Meet the athlete: Saron Haileselase
Saron photographed by Ollie Trenchard
Name: Saron Haileselase
Age: 30
Where I grew up : Wukro, a city in Ethiopia
Where I live now: Clapham
Outside of athletics: I study at college and take care of my kids.
Proudest athletics moment: When I became Ethiopian junior 1500m and 800m champion in 2009
How did you get into running?
I was born and raised in northern Ethiopia in a city called Wukro and I first got into running at primary school. Running felt very much part of me from an early age, but didn’t really have role models of athletes who inspired me. I came to learn about the big name Ethiopian athletes later on in my life.
Eventually I joined a sports club in Addis Ababa and I participated in many competitions at club, national and international level.
What are the best and worst things about living in London?
The best thing about living in London is the social life - there so are many people from around the world living here. London feels very much like home and is a comfortable place to live.
The worst thing about living in London is the traffic!
What are your running ambitions?
My running bucket list is to step up from 1500m and 3000m and run well at 5000m, 10000m and the half marathon. This is the goal I inspire to achieve in my running.
The best present I ever received at Charlie's yearly Christmas dinner is the cup I received for winning the 5 mile cross country running competition at Morden.